IPSSC - "From Research to Reality"

17th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students' Conference

Published: 12. mar. 2025

We are pleased to announce the 17th Student Conference of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPSSC), which will take place from May 28 to 30, 2025, at Mekinje Monastery in Kamnik. The event provides an excellent opportunity for young researchers to present their work, exchange ideas, and connect with colleagues from various scientific fields.

Mekinje Monastery offers comfortable accommodations, and participants will be provided with breakfast, lunch, and snacks during breaks. In addition to the professional program, we are also preparing engaging evening events to encourage informal networking and socializing.

Thanks to the support of our sponsors, we will cover accommodation costs (until capacity is reached), meals, coffee breaks, promotional materials, networking activities, and much more.

Both students from the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School and students from other institutions are invited to submit their work. We encourage you to submit your abstract following the template and guidelines available on the official conference website: http://ipssc.mps.si/. The deadline for abstract submission is March 24, 2025, so don’t wait too long to register! As in previous years, we will award the best abstracts and presentations.

For more information, visit the conference website and follow us on Facebook. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at ipssc@mps.si.

See you at IPSSC 2025!

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