Virtual exchange of the teaching staff member: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radojko Jaćimović
The Sending Institution: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (MPŠ)
The Receiving Institution: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan/KZ
Participants: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilona Matveyeva, Nurgul Nursapina, Sholpan Nazarkulova, Balnur Shynybek
Period: 19.7. 2021 – 26.7.2021
Short summary
The teaching programme was focused on the teaching of the basics of gamma spectrometry. During the teaching period from 19.7.2021 to 26.7.2021, Dr. Jaćimović presented three lectures using the ZOOM Meeting application tool:
Besides the lectures, Dr. Jaćimović gave practical instructions to the participants at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and they were able to set-up their HPGe detector using Maestro-32 software. During the proposed period, the participants successfully made energy calibration of the HPGe detection and its resolution curve (FWHM – Full Width at Half Maximum). Unfortunately, it was not possible to prepare an absolute calibration of the HPGe detector due to the insufficient number of existing calibration point sources in the lab.
It should be mentioned the during this teaching period, Ms Nurgul Nursapina (PhD student) was a visitor at Jožef Stefan Institute and Dr. R. Jaćimović provided her more information about the possibility to use different gamma spectroscopy software as well as evaluation of gamma spectra (simple and relatively complicated examples) using HyperLab 2014 software.