IPS celebrates 20 YEARS

Published: 18. jun. 2024

Anniversaries in personal life usually stop us for a moment, because in addition to celebrating unconsciously, they also force us to think.

If the anniversary is marked by the hard work and creativity of professors, students and staff, this celebration is above all the awareness that together we have created and achieved something important for our community.

We are aware that the 20th anniversary of the IPS is a great achievement.

In 20 years of existence, we have proven that together we raise the level of science, education, excellence and research. Therefore, we celebrate with pride and joy, and at the same time give a commitment to continue with our creation.

We gratefully remember the two deans of our school: Prof. Dr. Robert Blinc and Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Kornhauser Frazer, who are no longer with us.

Special thanks go to the current Dean Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat and the President of the School Prof. Dr. Vito Turk.

Let’s be determined, proud and happy, because the 20th anniversary of the IPS is certainly an anniversary that we should celebrate together.

We invite you to the opening of the IPS exhibition "20 Years of Progress in Knowledge and Innovation", which will take place on Friday, 28 June 2024 at 11 am at Gallusovo nabrežje in Ljubljana.

The opening will be addressed by the Dean Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat, the Director of the Jožef Stefan Institute Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar and the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Ljubljana Boštjan Koritnik.

The exhibition will be open until 29 July 2024.

Some of the collected achievements of our students during the first decade of the school’s operation are collected in the book, and even more achievements during the second decade of the school’s operation are collected here.

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