17th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference

"From Research to Reality"

  • Enhance your presentation skills by presenting your research work in a simple and comprehensive way
  • Engage in discussions about current scientific topics with your peers
  • Socialize with colleagues and enjoy some quality time together

WHEN: May 28–30, 2025

WHERE: Mekinje Monastery

WHO: Master's and doctoral students of MPŠ, IJS and other post-graduate students from Slovenia or abroad.

The best contributions will be financially rewarded!

We are looking forward to seeing you, and we wish you plenty of success in your research work!

Student Conference Organizing Committee

For all additional information, check the student conference website: or write us an e-mail: or social media - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

IPSSC 2025 AnnouncementFinal.jpg

Previous conferences