Modern Control Technologies
Control is a "hidden" technology which ensures
efficient and safe operation of systems in
accordance with the requirements.
The aim of the course is to acquiaint students with basic concepts and to present a number of state-of- the-art procedures for solving complex control problems.
The course will provide a framework for
understanding control technology in the form of a life cycle model which interconnects practical
requirements, design and implementation in a
concise manner.
Procedures for planning self-adjusting and
adaptive systems, non-linear control systems and
supervision systems will be presented in greater
detail. Practical examples highlighting the basic
concepts will be provided as well.
The student will be able to analyze the dynamics
of the system, plan a system of optimal management, and plan virtual sensors.
1) Introduction
Life-cycle basics: technical implementation phases, the analysis of functional requirements (what the system should do), specification, design, implementation and maintenance; non-technical aspects (man-machine interface, technoeconomics, social aspects).
2) Basic building blocks of state-of-the-art control technologies
Review of sensors, actuators, signal conditioning and transmission; sampling.
3) Modern concepts of control design in
time space Basic concepts: controllability; identifiability; optimal state regulator; self-adjusting and adaptive regulators; examples from industry.
4) Intelligent supervisory systems
Reliability, efficiency and quality requirements;
early error detection procedures based on
models; application of signal processing
methods; fault isolation by using approximate
reasoning; examples of industrial applications.
5) Model based control
Practical relevance of state estimation of dynamic systems; Kalman filter; extended Kalman filter; "bootstrap" procedures for state estimation of nonlinear dynamic systems; examples of application in forecasting and navigation; predictive control.
6) Predictive control
Basic concepts; solution of the quadratic cost function; tuning; robustness; application.
Student must complete first-cycle study programmes in natural sciences, technical disciplines or computer science.
Literature and references