Modelling of Dynamic Systems


ECTS Credits

  • izr. prof. dr. Damir Vrančić
  • None


Course objectives: - understanding dynamic system characteristics - qualification for modeling linear and nonlinear dynamic systems and validation of models - competence for work with simulation tools Competences: - knowledge of basic concepts of dynamic systems - knowledge of methods for modeling dynamic systems from data - ability to use the identification and optimization algorithms - the ability to use simulation tools


1. Introduction - Introduction to systems - Properties of dynamic systems - Approaches to modelling dynamic systems - Phases of process model dynamic system synthesis 2. Dynamic systems - Typology of dynamical systems - Linear dynamic systems - Nonlinear dynamic systems - Stohastic dynamic systems 3. Simulation of dynamic systems - Basics of numeric integration - Simulation of dynamic systems - Tools for simulation of dynamic systems 4. Modelling of dynamic systems - Methods of dynamic systems modelling - Linear identification methods - Nonlinear identification methods - Optimisation of dynamic system model - Models validation - Examples of modelling in practice


Completed second-cycle studies in information or communication technologies or completed second-cycle studies in other fields with knowledge of fundamentals in the field of this course. Basic knowledge of mathematics, computer science and informatics is also requested.


Literature and references
