

ECTS Credits

  • prof. dr. Maja Remškar
  • None


Students learn about the risks of development of nanotechnological products and the most advanced achievements in the field of nanosafety, and prepare themselves for research work in the selected fields of nanoscience.


Development of nanotechnology based on special properties of nanoparticles, i.e. a high mobility, enhanced chemical activity and surface/volume ratio, small size, small mass, and changed chemical and physical properties, has opened a new area of potential risks for living organisms. Beside intentionally produced nanoparticles by nanotechnology processes, our environment is highly polluted by non intentionally produced nanoparticles by combustion, transport and industrial processes, which deteriorate the quality of life and reduce life expectancy. Nanoparticles representing a large majority of particulate matter presented in the PM10 and PM2.5 units, cause cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer, asthma attacks and allergies. The course presents an overview of the dangers of nanoparticles and methods of protection from these dangers, also in the light of protection against coronaviruses, the causes of the COVID-19 pandemic.. The course includes: - analysis of nanoparticle’s risks in their life cycle - monitoring and measurement of exposure to nanoparticles - characterization of nanoparticle properties including the potential toxic effects - risks associated with nanotehnological products - methods of protection at the workplace and in the general environment


Completed second-cycle education or university education from natural sciences or technology.


Literature and references
