This project is intended to strengthen the international cooperation of IPS by including six foreign experts - professors into the education and research process at IPS.

Visiting foreign professors at IPS

Published: 13. apr. 2018

The cost of this project is funded from European Social Fund, partly by the Republic of Slovenia (6,766.80 €), partly by EU (27,067.00 €). The project was selected at the public call »Krajša in daljša gostovanja tujih strokovnjakov in visokošolskih učiteljev na slovenskih visokošolskih zavodih v letih 2016-2018« from the 10th priority axis »Znanje, spretnosti in vseživljenjsko učenje za boljšo zaposljivost« of the priority investment 10.1 »Izboljšanje enakega dostopa do vseživljenjskega učenja za vse starostne skupine pri formalnih, neformalnih in priložnostnih oblikah učenja, posodobitev znanja, spretnosti in kompetenc delovne sile ter spodbujanje prožnih oblik učenja, tudi s poklicnim svetovanjem in potrjevanjem pridobljenih kompetenc«, specific goal 10.1.3 »Spodbujanje prožnih oblik učenja ter podpora kakovostni karierni orientaciji za šolajočo se mladino na vseh ravneh izobraževalnega sistema«. More information is available at

All the invited visiting professors have a host professor from IPS, with whom the visiting professor has an ongoing research cooperation. The programme leaders or deputies are responsible for coordinating the visiting professor's teaching schedule and the school administration staff is responsible for preparing all the necessary documentation regarding the visit. Besides offering their teaching expertise to our students their visits will also serve to strengthen the international cooperation of IPS with the professor's home organization and exploring options of further increasing existing research and education cooperation as well as establishing the base for new projects, Erasmus bilateral agreements, joint degrees or study programmes.

The IPS has actively cooperated with foreign professors within study programmes since its establishment. International cooperation is namely one of the foundations of the school. This is also clear from the significant part of of its foreign students (25-30%). The above mentioned project is also important because the majority of the visiting professors have not yet cooperated with the school.

The results of the project are the following visits of foreign experts - professors:

  • Professor Luis Torgo, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto (January 2017 and January 2018),
  • Professor Veljko Milutinović, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade (March 2017),
  • Professor Geraint A. Wiggins, School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London (October - November 2017) and
  • Professor Mehmet Ali Gülgün, FENS, Materials Science and Engineering, Sabancı Üniversitesi (November 2017)
  • Professor Damià Barceló Culleres, Department of Environmental Chemistry, IDAEA-CSIC (april 2018),
  • Professor Gertjan Koster, University Of Twente (maj 2018).
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