Master Study
Master Study
The candidates submit their application for enrolment electronically through the eVŠ web portal. The application shall be considered as submitted on time if it was filled out and submitted together with all mandatory attachments to the eVŠ by the end of the application deadline.
STEP 1) Enrolment to the 2025/2026 academic year is done via eVŠ electronic application (https://portal.evs.gov.si/prijava/?lang=en)
The candidate must fill-in the electonic application with correct and complete personal data, as they are written in their personal identification document!
In addition to the electronic application, candidates must also submit the following mandatory documents and certificates by the end of a particular enrolment deadline through the eVŠ portal:
STEP 2) Selection of supervisor, tuition fee payment option and course list
1-2 working days after completing the eVŠ application the candidates use the eVŠ application number (without -) on the IPS web page https://www.mps.si/en/vpis/ to select an IPS supervisor, the tuition fee payment option and in the case of enrolment into the 1st year a list of courses in agreement with the selected supervisor.
Request for enrolment of external course(s) is available here.
1st Application Deadline: From 1 May to 31 May 2025.
2nd Application Deadline: From 1 June to 30 June 2025.
3rd Application Deadline: From 1 July to 31 August 2025.
4th Application Deadline: From 1 September to 15 September 2025.
5th Application Deadline: From 16 September to 29 September 2025.
Eligible for enrolment in the first academic year of the second-cycle study programmes are candidates who have graduated in the first-cycle study programmes in natural sciences, technical disciplines or computer science earning at least 180 ECTS, or have completed higher education studies in these fields comprising at least three years of lectures. Candidates must also be proficient in English, which they can prove by language proficiency certificates.
Other requirements:
Graduates from first-cycle study programmes in other disciplines, totalling 180 ECTS, should address their applications to the IPS Study Commission, which will define the study obligations to be met before the enrolment in the first academic year. These obligations shall be selected from the teaching modules of the first-cycle study programme depending on the dissimilarity of the disciplines concerned, and total between 10 and 60 ECTS. Candidates can fulfil these obligations either during their first-cycle degree studies, through advanced training programmes or by passing the relevant exams before the enrolment in the master’s degree study programme.
Candidates who have completed first-cycle undergraduate study programmes in natural sciences, technical disciplines or computer science, totalling 240 ECTS, may enrol in the second academic year of the second-cycle studies and will be given recognition of 60 ECTS worth of study obligations. On enrolment, compulsory obligations worth up to 20 ECTS will be individually determined so that they can obtain knowledge complementary to their previous studies. These obligations shall be selected from the mandatory course list in the master study programme. The student shall additionally have to acquire 60 ECTS from individual research work, master thesis and other elective courses.
Other candidates that acquired more than 180 ECTS during their undergraduate studies, specialist studies or in some other form of education can address a request to the IPS Study Commission which will discuss each case separately and determine the number of recognized second-cycle study obligations (60 ECTS maximum).
Anticipated number of available places for each year of studies:
If the number of candidates exceeds the number of available positions, the candidates shall be sorted and selected based on their 2nd cycle academic performance (average grade, the number of points equals the average grade, up to 10 points) and potential work experience and other study or research achievements and prizes, as evident from the candidate’s motivation letter and CV (up to 10 points, subject to the evaluation of the Study Commission).
We will inform the candidates of the results of enrolment via eVŠ within 15 days after each enrolment deadline.
For the tuition fee see pricelist.
The tuition covers the expenses related to the educational process and organisation.
Since the IPS is a research-oriented postgraduate school, all postgraduate students are included in research work conducted in the framework of Slovenian, international, or industrial research projects.
IPS offers the possibility of reduced tuition fee for master study programmes.