Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation of Vito Janko
29. may. 2020
Preminila je prof. dr. Aleksandra Kornhauser Frazer, dekanja MPŠ
20. may. 2020
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation of Ajda Trdin
19. may. 2020
Usposabljanja v okviru INOVUP na daljavo
19. may. 2020
For the first time ever, IPS students presented their achievements online
19. may. 2020
Habilitation lecture of dr. Brigita Rožič
14. may. 2020
L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards 2021 - poziv k nominacijam
12. may. 2020
ENROLMENT 2020/2021
08. may. 2020
Defence of the Master Thesis of Miha Grah
06. may. 2020