As a PhD student in the field of assistive robotic devices, specifically exoskeletons, I was eager to gain valuable international experience and forge collaborations that would serve as a pivotal stepping stone for my future career. This aspiration led me to the ARIES Lab (Assistive Robotics and Interactive Exosuits) group at Heidelberg University, renowned for their work in assistive robotic exoskeletons. I discovered this group through their impressive research papers, making them my top choice for collaboration. We have found a strong intersection between my PhD research and their ongoing projects, therefore I was accepted to spend 6 months as a visiting PhD student. I had the opportunity to design and build a hybrid pneumatic and electromechanical exoskeleton (Figure 1) during my academic internship with them. This experience not only enriched my research portfolio but also facilitated the establishment of crucial professional connections for my future endeavors. The financial support from an Erasmus+ scholarship significantly contributed to this experience by partially covering my living expenses in Heidelberg.
Luka Mišković, IKT