Advances in Acquisiton and Analysis of Ionizing Photon and Particle Sensor Signals


ECTS Credits

  • doc. dr. Klemen Bučar
  • None


Objectives: - understanding the evolution of signal and noise in scintillation and solid-state detectors as well as cutting-edge approaches to related signal analysis, - analysis of detector signals in various real-life cases, - recognising analysis functional building blocks and their inter-dependencies, - rearranging analysis functional building blocks in a new functional manner, - predicting performance of new detection architectures and evaluate advantages and shortcomings. Competencies: - selecting signal acquisition and analysis method for a specific given problem and detector type, - constructing a working detector system from hardware and software components, - application of project-given technological, systemic, temporal and financial constraints in method development and detector system construction, - prediction of key quantitative performance metrics (resolutions, efficiency, etc.), - performing a demonstration data run on the fully assembled system, - evaluation of predicted performance metrics on basis of experimental data.


- Microscopic model of signal formation and evolution of noise in state-of-the-art scintillation and solid-state detectors, as well as future detection concepts. - Technology trends in scintillation and solid-state detector applications in life- and material-science applications of detectors. - The era of transition to direct digital sampling: opportunities and pitfalls. New strategies in managing the serial and parallel noise. Specifics of high count rate work. - Placement of current technology limitations in the scope of fundamental final limitations due to laws of nature. - Advanced individual study into a select real case from the student's research work, by comparison of several signal analysis approaches and proposal of new ones, prediction of behaviour, experimental evaluation.


Completed second cycle studies in natural sciences or engineering or completed second cycle studies in other fields with proven knowledge of fundamentals in the field of this course (certificates, interview).


Literature and references
