Time Lecture or Event Lecturer Lecture Room
Thursday, 08. 07. 2021
Friday, 09. 07. 2021
10:00 - 12:00 Defence
Defence of the Master Thesis of Rebeka Strah: Transcriptomic response to water stress, high salinity, and phytoplasma infection in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85604137527?pwd=R2Q2SUppM0t0VXJqbllJcmY2c2laQT09, Passcode: 832920)
Rebeka Strah
Zoom Videoconference
Saturday, 10. 07. 2021
Sunday, 11. 07. 2021
Monday, 12. 07. 2021
Tuesday, 13. 07. 2021
Wednesday, 14. 07. 2021
09:00 - 11:00 Defence
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation by Sara Tominc: Charge compensation mechanisms and twinning in doped SnO2-based ceramics (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81489094769?pwd=M3NSNCtTdnZWOFoyVE5wUTlMQzd2UT09 Passcode: 910344)
Sara Tominc
Zoom Videoconference
Thursday, 15. 07. 2021


Lecture by a Visiting Professor
Lecture Room Booking
Lecture in the Scope of an IJS Colloquium
Habilitation Lecture
*Joint session: Seminar I (ECO3), Seminar I (ECO2), Seminar I (ICT3), Seminar I (ICT2), Seminar I (NANO3), Seminar I (NANO2), Seminar II (ECO3), Seminar II (ECO2), Seminar II (ICT3), Seminar II (ICT2), Seminar II (NANO3), Seminar II (NANO2) is obligatory for the students of the particular programme, other student are wellcome.