V okviru letošnje študentse konference, ki se bo odvijala preko spleta, ponosno najavljamo predavanje g. Anthony Agotha, višjega diplomatskega strokovnjaka, odgovornega za komuniciranje z znanostjo iz kabineta podpredsednika Evropske komisije, Fransa Timmermansa.
IPSSC2021: A nexus of academia, research and the EU Green deal with Anthony Agotha
EU Green deal, relations with think tanks and academia, action against
global deforestation, the future of Europe and so much more are the
areas which mr. Anthony Agotha is covering at his post as a Senior
diplomatic expect in the team of Frans Timmermans, the vice-president of
the European Commission. We’ll be discussing with mr. Agotha how the EU
Green deal will impact research and academia in the next few decades,
and how we can benefit from this as an institution and as a society.
After his talk, mr. Agotha will also be available for a short Q&A
Predavanje bo v četrtek, 27. 5. 2021, ob 9:30 na spodnji povezavi. Vljudno vabljeni, da se nam pridružite!
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89337324165?pwd=ZjlTZHlxVEtPUVdzek9XS0NqaHlNdz09 (Passcode: 189249)