Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana vabi na izjemno zanimivo predavanje Roberta Swana - prvi človek, ki je prehodil tako severni kot južni pol.
Predavanje bo v sredo, 22.9.2021, od 16. do 18. ure v Peterlinovem paviljonu - fizikalna predavalnica FMF, Univerze v Ljubljani, Jadranska cesta 26, Ljubljana.
Za udeležbo na predavanju v živo se morate registrirati in izpolnjevati PCT pogoje (dokazilo o prebolelosti, cepljenju ali testiranju)
Pohitite, ševilo mest je omejeno!
At the Age of 11, I had the dream to become the first person in history to walk to both the South and North Poles. My vision quickly expanded to crossing the whole of the Antarctic Continent on foot. The story I tell is the ‘how’, after 22 years of financial and physical hardships, we achieved this goal and reached both poles. As well it is the story of how, after many setbacks and serious injuries, I have only 97 miles out of a total of 1,522 miles left to complete the crossing of the whole Antarctic. I intend to complete these 97 miles in the year 2022 at the age of 65.
Upon return from my first ever expedition to the South Pole, I was charged by Jacques Cousteau (back in 1986) with a 50 year mission to preserve Antarctica. After experiencing first hand the effects of climate change on my expedition, I made it my life’s mission to ensure we have the sense to leave Antarctica alone as a natural reserve land for science and peace. As a result, I formed the 2041 Foundation and began leading Antarctic expeditions of climate change champions from around the world with the goal of igniting their passion for preserving Antarctica for decades to come. Since then I have worked with numerous organizations on their transition to renewable energy for the future of our planet.
Across the world we have built education stations which run on renewable energy. Local schools and universities can visit these stations and communicate back to worldwide classrooms, thus promoting renewable energy further. Testing renewable energy to the maximum is a big part of our achievements. My son, Barney, and I made a journey to the south pole in 2017 only relying on renewable energy - the first expedition of its kind. As well as solar power, we used incredible NASA technology to melt snow at -40 degrees.