Načrtovanje učnih izidov v visokem šolstvu
29. mar. 2019
70 years of Jožef Stefan Institute at RTV SLO
27. mar. 2019
11th IPS Students’ Conference and 13th CMBE day in Planica
27. mar. 2019
Vključevanje strokovnjakov iz institucij s področja gospodarstva v izvedbo naravoslovnih študijskih predmetov
22. mar. 2019
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation of Ana Kračun
22. mar. 2019
Changing the human mind: a developmentally appropriate program of enhancing thinking and reasoning
21. mar. 2019
Mind and Intelligence: Integrating Developmental, Psychometric and Cognitive Theories of Human Mind
21. mar. 2019
Prof. Barbara Koroušić Seljak named Supervisor of the Year 2018
21. mar. 2019
Defence of the Doctoral Dissertation of Mona das Neves Oliveira
20. mar. 2019
Defence of the Master Thesis of Mitja Gračner
19. mar. 2019
Se tudi reke drogirajo?
14. mar. 2019
Defence of the Master Thesis of Karla Kosmač
14. mar. 2019
Congratulations on Receiving Fulbright Scholarship
12. mar. 2019
07. mar. 2019
Zavzeto raziskovati in poučevati
06. mar. 2019
Vzpostavljanje inkluzivno naravnane učne skupnosti
05. mar. 2019