
Course Module Professor ECTS
Advanced Nanostructured Metallic Materials NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Monika Jenko 10 ECTS
Advanced Processing of Materials NANO3,EKO3 prof. dr. Uroš Cvelbar 5 ECTS
Advanced Topics in Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies NANO3 prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar 10 ECTS
Advanced Topics in Protein Synthesis NANO3 prof. dr. Nenad Ban 5 ECTS
Analysis and Prediction of 3D Protein Structure NANO3 prof. dr. Andrej Šali 5 ECTS
Artificial Intelligence for Science ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 prof. dr. Sašo Džeroski 5 ECTS
Biodiversity research metodology NANO3 doc. dr. Al Vrezec 10 ECTS
Bioimaging NANO3 prof. dr. Cornelis Johannes Forrendinis Van Noorden 5 ECTS
Biology of Stem Cells NANO3 doc. dr. Metka Novak 5 ECTS
Biomacromolecular interactomics NANO3 prof. dr. Boris Rogelj 5 ECTS
Biomaterials NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Ita Junkar 5 ECTS
Biomolecular Simulations NANO3 prof. dr. Janez Mavri 5 ECTS
Ceramic Materials NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Andraž Kocjan 5 ECTS
Characterisation of Structure NANO3 prof. dr. Iztok Arčon 5 ECTS
Characterization of Metallic Materials NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Monika Jenko 5 ECTS
Classical and Quantum Chaos NANO3 prof. dr. Marko Robnik 5 ECTS
Contemporary Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Natural Sciences and Engineering ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 prof. dr. Matjaž Omladič 5 ECTS
Dielectric and Caloric Properties of Nanomaterials NANO3 prof. dr. Vid Bobnar 5 ECTS
Doctoral Dissertation ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 Predstojnik / Head of Programme 30 ECTS
Drug Design Based on Molecular and QSAR Modelling NANO3 prof. dr. Marjana Novič 5 ECTS
Economics and Society ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 prof. dr. Aleksander Zidanšek 5 ECTS
Electrical, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Nanomaterials NANO3 doc. dr. Alenka Mertelj 5 ECTS
Electrochemical Processes and Corrosion Protection NANO3 prof. dr. Ingrid Milošev 5 ECTS
Evolutionary Genomics NANO3 prof. dr. Dušan Kordiš 5 ECTS
From Crystals to 3D Structure of Macromolecules NANO3 prof. dr. Dušan Turk 10 ECTS
Functional coatings NANO3 doc. dr. Peter Rodič 5 ECTS
Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Metals NANO3 prof. dr. Bojan Podgornik 5 ECTS
Individual Research Work 1 ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 Predstojnik / Head of Programme 20 ECTS
Individual Research Work 2 ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 Predstojnik / Head of Programme 30 ECTS
Individual Research Work 3 ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 Predstojnik / Head of Programme 20 ECTS
Industrial Seminar ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 prof. dr. Nives Ogrinc 5 ECTS
Magnetic Relaxation and Resonance of Nanomaterials NANO3 prof. dr. Boštjan Zalar 5 ECTS
Magnetic Resonance Imaging NANO3 prof. dr. Igor Serša 5 ECTS
Materials Chemistry NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Matjaž Spreitzer 10 ECTS
Mechanism and Biological Implications of Protein Aggregation NANO3 prof. dr. Eva Žerovnik 10 ECTS
Microscopical and Microanalytical Methods NANO3 prof. dr. Miran Čeh 10 ECTS
Microscopy of Nanomaterials NANO3 prof. dr. Maja Remškar 5 ECTS
Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipid Droplets NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Toni Petan 5 ECTS
Molecular modeling using density functional theory: molecules, surfaces, and bulk solids NANO3 prof. dr. Anton Kokalj 5 ECTS
Nanobiophysics NANO3 prof. dr. Janez Štrancar 5 ECTS
Nanomedicine NANO3 doc. dr. Nina Kostevšek 5 ECTS
Nanoparticles, colloidal and surface chemistry NANO3 prof. dr. Darja Lisjak 5 ECTS
Nanosafety NANO3 prof. dr. Maja Remškar 5 ECTS
Physics of Materials NANO3 prof. dr. Zdravko Kutnjak 10 ECTS
Physics of Nanomaterials NANO3 prof. dr. Dragan Mihailović 10 ECTS
Plasma Nanoscience NANO3 prof. dr. Uroš Cvelbar 5 ECTS
Preparation of Patent Application ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 prof. dr. Miran Mozetič 5 ECTS
Processing and Nanomagnetism of Complex Intermetallic Alloys NANO3 prof. dr. Spomenka Kobe 10 ECTS
Programmed Cell Death NANO3 prof. ddr. Boris Turk 10 ECTS
Protease Degradome in Cancer Progression NANO3 doc. dr. Barbara Breznik 5 ECTS
Protein Toxins -Characterisations and Applications in Cellular Biology NANO3 prof. dr. Igor Križaj 10 ECTS
Protein and Cell Engineering NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Toni Petan 10 ECTS
Proteolysis NANO3 akad. prof. dr. Vito Turk 10 ECTS
Proteomics NANO3 doc. dr. Robert Vidmar 5 ECTS
Quantitation of Nucleic Acids NANO3 prof. dr. Kristina Gruden 5 ECTS
Role and Relevance of Animal Models in Understanding Tumor Progression NANO3 prof. dr. Olga Vasiljeva 5 ECTS
Science Communication ST3,IKT3,NANO3,EKO3 prof. dr. Saša Novak Krmpotič 5 ECTS
Selected Topics in Molecular Immunobiology NANO3 izr. prof. dr. Nataša Kopitar Jerala 5 ECTS
Seminar I NANO3 prof. dr. Barbara Malič 10 ECTS
Seminar II NANO3 prof. dr. Barbara Malič 30 ECTS
Seminar III NANO3 prof. dr. Barbara Malič 10 ECTS
Soft Matter and Soft Nanocomposites NANO3 prof. dr. Samo Kralj 5 ECTS
Stability, Folding and Aggregation of Proteins NANO3 prof. dr. Eva Žerovnik 10 ECTS
Surfaces and Interfaces NANO3 doc. dr. Erik Zupanič 5 ECTS
Synthesis of Nanomaterials NANO3 prof. dr. Barbara Malič 10 ECTS
Theory of Nanomaterials NANO3 prof. dr. Viktor Kabanov 10 ECTS
Universe in a Droplet of Liquid Crystal NANO3 prof. dr. Samo Kralj 5 ECTS
Vacuum Science and Technology NANO3 prof. dr. Janez Kovač 5 ECTS
X-ray Structure Analysis NANO3,EKO3 doc. dr. Evgeny Goreshnik 5 ECTS